2024 Coherent/II-VI Foundation Scholarship Application First Name(Required)Middle NameLast Name(Required)Street Address(Required)City(Required)State(Required)Zip Code(Required)Preferred Phone(Required)Preferred Email Address(Required)Are you a United States citizen? Yes No How did you hear about us?UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE INFORMATION FOR 2025-2026School Name(Required)Major(Required)Year in School in 2025-2026 (NOT NOW)(Required)FreshmanSophomoreJuniorSeniorSenior PlusAnticipated Graduation Date(Required)If you are applying for the first time this can be NO EARLIER THAN Spring 2027. You must have four full semesters remaining to apply for the first time.INTERNSHIP/WORK EXPERIENCE INFORMATIONWork experience MUST be acquired in an Industrial Environment - nine (9) weeks/360 hours of manufacturing-, engineering- or science-related experience in an industrial setting from October 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025. Please note: Academic settings and research facilities do not qualify as an industrial setting.Place of Employment(Required)Select One: Internship Co-op Supervisor's Name(Required)Supervisor's PhoneSupervisor's Email(Required)ACADEMIC INFORMATIONThese scores must be verified with certified copies during the documentation phase of the application process.Estimated Unweighted GPA(Required)3.3 or above, unweighted, requiredFreshman Only! Total SAT Score or Composite ACT ScoreINTERVIEWAn interview with the Executive Director or his designate is required. Please email scholar@co26fdn.org by May 30, 2025 to schedule an interview. Interviews will be conducted during the week of May 27th, Tuesday through Thursday, 10 am - 4 pm and the weeks of June 2nd and June 9th, Monday through Thursday, 10 am – 4 pm.Select your interview choice:(Required) I will be in the Pittsburgh area in June and will come to the Board Room at the Hampton Inn, 150 Old Pond Road, Bridgeville, Pennsylvania 15017 for my interview. (Anyone in the Pittsburgh area is expected to come to this location for an interview.) ALL IN-PERSON INTERVIEWS MUST BE DONE THE WEEK OF JUNE 9th. I will not be in the Pittsburgh area in June. I prefer to conduct my interview via Zoom. I will not be in the Pittsburgh area in June. I prefer to conduct my interview via FaceTime. Indicate if you will be in Pittsburgh in June and if not, your preference of interview type here, but YOU must email scholar@co26fdn.org to schedule.COHERENT / II-VI FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP AGREEMENT AND RELEASE(Required) I hereby attest and agree to the statements below.I hereby attest that the information provided in this application and the accompanying attachments is truthful and, to the best of my ability, I have met the requirements of the Coherent / II-VI Foundation Scholarship Application as set forth above. I give the Coherent / II-VI Foundation permission to contact my course instructors, guidance counselors, school administrators and work supervisors to discuss this application and the accompanying attachments. I hereby attest that during the past twelve (12) months I have no record of disciplinary or criminal actions taken against me, either at school or in the community. I hereby attest that I am lawfully present in the United States and that I am legally authorized to work in the United States. Upon request, I will provide appropriate documentation of my legal status to the Coherent / II-VI Foundation. The Selection Committee reserves the right to reject any application for any reason. I understand that the decision of the Selection Committee of the Coherent / II-VI Foundation is final and cannot be appealed or changed. I understand that if I miss a renewal year for any reason I am no longer eligible to participate in the Coherent / II-VI Foundation Scholarship program and therefore will not receive any further funding. The Coherent / II-VI Foundation may utilize an applicant’s name, address, name of the high school attended, and the name of the post-secondary educational institution that the applicant currently attends. I understand that by signing this Scholarship Application, I give the Coherent / II-VI Foundation permission to use and disclose this information for promotional purposes. The undersigned individual, if awarded a scholarship from Coherent / II-VI Foundation, hereby certifies that the all of scholarship payments received from Coherent / II-VI Foundation will be exclusively utilized by the recipient to pay for: (a) tuition and fees required for the enrollment or attendance of the recipient student at his/her educational organization; or (b) fees, books, supplies, and equipment required for courses of instruction for the recipient student at such educational organization. I further agree that if the scholarship funds are used for purposes other than as required by this Certification, I shall notify Coherent / II-VI Foundation, and I further agree to return to Coherent / II-VI Foundation the amount of any Coherent / II-VI Foundation scholarship funds not used for the permitted educational purposes provided for in this Certification. Signature(Required)Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY CAPTCHAPhone